Gideon Kimbrell
Gideon Kimbrell is the co-founder and CEO of Miami-based, an app for booking reservations at exclusive nightlife, charity, and entertainment events.
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5 Steps to Move Beyond Small Talk and Start the Business You've Always Dreamed of
Make your business idea a reality by following these five no-nonsense steps.
While Building a Personal Brand Might Be More Accessible — It's More Complex Now Than Ever. Here Are 6 Strategies You Need To Ensure You Stand Out.
A personal brand allows anyone with enough ambition and drive to make a name for themselves, which is perfect for intrepid entrepreneurs.
Should Your Business Launch an NFT? Here Are 4 Things You Need to Know.
NFTs might be your perfect growth opportunity -- or not. Here are some things to consider as you evaluate your involvement.
5 estrategias para lograr un equilibrio entre la pasión y el crecimiento personal
No sucumba al agotamiento empresarial; en su lugar, cuide sus cuatro pilares de la vida por igual.
5 Strategies to Achieve a Balance Between Passion and Personal Growth
Don't succumb to entrepreneurial burnout -- instead, take care of your four pillars of life equally.
4 claves para establecer metas y rutinas que ayuden al éxito empresarial
Para crear una vida orientada a alcanzar sus metas, pruebe estas estrategias para poner en acción un estilo de vida proactivo e intencional.
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