Gulcan Telci
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Cómo convertirte en un autor emprendedor (o 'autorpreneur') exitoso
Imagina esto: estás trabajando en tu propia novela en cualquier parte del mundo, ya visualizando los estantes de las librerías con tus libros.
How to Become a Storytelling Entrepreneur (or 'Authorpreneur')
Imagine this: You're crafting your very own novel anywhere in the world, already visualizing the bookshop shelves lined with copies of your newly minted book.
7 Common Obstacles Aspiring Authors Face — and How to Overcome Them
Here are a few tips that will help you start writing that book you always dreamed about.
3 Ways Change Leaders Prevent, Minimize and Manage (or Create) Resistance to Change
If leaders don't handle the change process effectively, it will likely turn into a how-to-create-resistance 101 guide.
Make Continuous Improvement Culture Your Competitive Edge With These 5 Tips
There is never a better time than now to become a continuous improvement leader. Here's why and how to do it.
5 Key Ingredients to Become a Successful Change Leader (and Home Baker)
Create the ideal conditions, and get the key ingredients. Both change and the bread will thrive.
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