Ivan Misner: Page 14

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Bestselling Author

Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times bestselling author and co-author of the bestselling book, Networking Like a Pro (Entrepreneur Press 2017). He is also the founder and chief visionary officer of BNI, the world's largest referral marketing and networking organization.

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Latest: Page 14


Customize Your Referral Strategies

To optimize sales, learn to tailor your networking approach to different personality types and occasions.


Getting Referred By Friends and Family

Will people who like, care about and respect you always refer business to you? Not necessarily.


Referral Quality Beats Quantity

Show customers you appreciate them by maintaining quality relationships.


Less Networking Can Mean More

Cultivating the relationships you have is more effective than planting yourself at more events.


Why Referral Marketing Works

Think cold-calling is the most effective way to snag customers? Try referral marketing and catch a new batch of clients.


Salespeople Don't Live Off Referrals Alone

Even if you're getting all the referrals you want, you still need to sell.