Jaleh Bisharat
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This One Quality Is Key to a Successful Career
It can be more important than skills, background or connections.
We Raised Money for Our Startup Without an Investor Deck. Here's How.
We know that taking a different approach was risky. But, it was what we believed in, and we didn't want to change our tune.
3 Reasons I'm Proud of My Age -- And Why I Think Other Women Should Be, Too
Are you not the best version of yourself you've ever been?
Does Your Team Love Coming to Work? Follow These 7 Strategies to Make Sure.
A good product or service is wonderful, but great talent is your life force.
I Co-Founded a Silicon Valley Startup in My 50s. These Are All the Lessons That Brought Me to Where I Am.
Older entrepreneurs know a lot about how business, culture and leadership work.
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