James McKinney


James McKinney is the Founder & Host of The Startup Story, a multi-channel brand platform that brings the lessons of highly successful founders directly to the everyday founder. Whether it is through The Startup Story podcast or via the Startup Story LIVE event series, entrepreneurs everywhere can receive tactical and practical guidance from founders who are a few steps ahead.

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Starting a Business

This SaaS Founder Sold His Business to Oracle for $9.3 Billion

In November 2016, NetSuite was acquired for $9.3 billion. Founder Evan Goldberg explains how it happened.

Business Ideas

He Came Up With a $2 Billion Business Idea While Making $7 Per Hour

When Vlad Magdalin accidentally stumbled upon the fact that his design agency was charging six figures for his $7-per-hour work, he knew something needed to change.

Starting a Business

How Do You Start a Business When You Have a Great Idea But No Experience in the Industry?

Melanie Travis was inspired by a 'horrendous' experience to start her swimwear and intimates company for the modern woman.

Growing a Business

The Chief Designer of Beats by Dre Breaks Down What Great User Experience Means to Him

User experience isn't just a buzzword for tech companies, but an essential aspect of every business.

Starting a Business

This Founder Doesn't Want His Employees Working More Than 40 Hours Per Week

Duncan Hamra started building things with his co-founder in kindergarten, but he wants his employees to have a good work-life balance.

Starting a Business

This Founder Actually Turned Down a 6-Figure Investment Offer From Mark Cuban on 'Shark Tank'

Here's how Lindsay McCormick founded her company, Bite, in her living room and how she grew the business to what it is today.

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