Jenna Schnuer
Jenna Schnuer writes (mostly) about business and travel and is a contributing editor for Entrepreneur.
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Top 25 Online MBA Programs for 2016, According to the Princeton Review
MBA programs were once met with skepticism but now entrepreneurs are enrolling in them to not only start a business but also manage a company's long-term objectives.
How This Program Lets Etsy Businesses Grow Quickly
A new tool helps DIY-ers turn into full-fledged manufacturers.
How an Off-Season Hobby Grew into a Slick Business
Brent Christensen's Ice Castles creates frozen fantasies, and business is heating up.
How This Man Turned His Passion Into His Profession
A resourceful inventor brings his creative concepts to life.
This Entrepreneur Created a Hangover Cure on Wheels
Hangover Heaven s a 45-foot bus staffed with nurses and assistants to deliver patients a mix of medications, electrolytes and vitamins via IV.
Meet the Machine That's Turning Grocery Stores' Food Waste Into Fertilizer
A pair of seasoned tech workers are helping to solve a $165 billion problem.
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