Jessica Dennehy


Jessica is a 2x best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur & former Wall Street attorney. Through her coaching company, Pivot & Slay, she empowers entrepreneurs to embrace their CEO Power, exit their comfort zones and start taking the risks necessary for success.

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Cómo el pasar tiempo a solas ha transformado mi vida

Es hora de abrazar el poder de pasar tiempo a solas.

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How Spending Time Alone Has Transformed My Life

It's time to embrace the power of spending time alone.

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Why You Should Never Hide Your Success From the World

Here's how sharing and celebrating your success helps you and others as well.

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Your Cold Pitch Sucks. Here's How to Approach Prospects the Right Way.

Are you blindly sending your cold pitch to the masses? Here's why that's a bad idea.


Por qué muchos emprendedores le temen al éxito y cómo pueden superarlo

¿Tienes miedo de lo que realmente significa llegar al siguiente nivel y tener que salir de la cómoda cobija de tu realidad actual?

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Why Many Entrepreneurs Fear Success — and How They Can Overcome It

Do you have a fear of what it really means to get to the next level and exit the cozy blanket that is your current reality?

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