Johnny Warström
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It's Time to Retire Jeff Bezos' 2-Pizza Rule for Meetings — Here's Why.
Meetings are essential in the workplace, but they desperately need revitalization — and Jeff Bezos' two-pizza rule, focusing on small groups for efficiency, may not suit the dynamics of today's diverse workplaces.
3 Mistakes You May Not Realize You're Making When Bringing Employees Back to the Office
A company is only as successful as its employees are happy — and upheavals like a return to office risk adding to employee dissatisfaction. You can ease that transition by getting back to basics. Here's how.
Workplace Issues Often Trickle Down From the Top. Have You Tried These 3 Ways to Fix Your Biggest Challenges?
Employee stress, burnout and engagement problems are often symptoms of a top-down management structure issue — that's why bottom-up change is the solution. Check out these three ways to restructure your management and watch your productivity — and team engagement — improve.
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