Keith Lowe

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Business Ideas

Finding the Perfect Business Idea

You know you want to start a business. Now what? Try searching these sources for ideas.


Answers to Your Startup Legal Questions

Don't let red tape boggle your mind. Here's how to handle some common legal dilemmas.

Money & Finance

Get People to Pay You Quickly

Make it easy for customers to pay your invoices, and you'll see your money sooner rather than later.

Growing a Business

Prepare for the Unexpected

When events take you by surprise, you need to be able to handle them properly. How prepared are you?

Starting a Business

Start-Up FAQs

Tax deductions, pricing, scoping out your competition and more answers to some of your common questions

Starting a Business

Creating a Fair--and Successful--Partnership

What's the best way to divvy up your company among partners? There's no easy answer.

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