Kip Tindell
Kip Tindell is currently chairman and CEO of The Container Store and the author of UNCONTAINABLE: How Passion, Commitment and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives.
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Stand Out From the Crowd: 3 Ways to Put a Spotlight on Your Company
When your company and another one has similar offerings, here is how to differentiate yourself.
Is It Smart for Entrepreneurs to Hire Friends?
Hiring people you know and trust can be very beneficial to an entrepreneur and her venture. But if not done correctly, it can spell disaster.
The Importance of Culture When Starting Up
With most startups just concerned with surviving, how important is culture?
Determining Early Employees Compensation and When to Scale Up
Our expert, serial entrepreneur, author and CEO of The Container Store, Kip Tindell discusses what to consider when paying early employees and when to expand beyond the early team.
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