Lisa Hoover McGreevy


Lisa Hoover McGreevy is a seasoned professional writer specializing in corporate messaging and data journalist in the Visually Marketplace and regular contributor to the Visually blog. 

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Business News

The 5 Things Your Customers Won't Admit About Your Customer Experience

From first contact and customer onboarding to long-term retention, there are plenty of potential fail points to a good customer experience strategy.


The 10 Things You Must Do When Distributing Your Press Release

In today's world, it's not enough to simply post a few words about your company's latest news and take the rest of the week off.

Business News

How Marketers Should Approach the New Twitter

Brands and businesses need to be ready to roll with new changes as soon as Twitter's development team rolls them out.

Business News

To Have Your Video-Content Marketing Be Successful in 2015, Follow These 5 Rules

Whether they're instructional, informational, or simply for fun, videos are an important part of today's marketing strategy.

Business News

The 5 Key Metrics You Need to Be Tracking in 2015

Unless you're a statistician at heart, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) isn't the sexiest part of a marketer's job, but it is one of the most important.

Business News

To Get the Best Out of Your Content, You Better Have a Top-Notch Digital Asset Management System

Creating top-notch content requires a digital asset management system to organize images, videos, slide-decks, infographics, animation and music.

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