Lorraine Lee

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Business News

Why Your Virtual Presence Is More Important Than Ever

Think back to the last few meetings you had: Were they online or in-person? These days, meeting and interacting in-person with coworkers has become a nice-to-have, and virtual has become...

Business News

How To Have Impactful Meetings in the Future

Learning how to facilitate and participate in impactful virtual and hybrid meetings will be one of the most significant competitive advantages you can give yourself in this new world of...

Business News

6 Ways Virtual Sellers Can Stand Out On LinkedIn

Countless industries have been upended since the pandemic, and this is even more so the case when it comes to the sales industry. In fact, it may be one of...

Business News

3 Ways to Make a Great First Impression on Video Calls

Follow the TEA method to set yourself up for success. When we met new people in person, we'd connect through things like a handshake, a smile, and enthusiastic energy. When...

Business News

Reinvent Virtual Meetings and Collaboration for Hybrid Work

After a year and a half of remote work, employees emerge with precise demands: They want a hybrid work model. According to a PwC study, 55% of employe...

Business News

Best Practices and Tools for Successful Hybrid Meetings

Video is undoubtedly here to stay. The data says it all: 96% of people who started working remotely due to COVID-19 want to continue working at least...

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