Marsha Hunt
Marsha Hunt is a Growth Marketing Expert business advisor and speaker with specialism in international marketing.
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This Startup Aims to be the Slack of Healthcare
HealthJoy's communication platform uses artificial intelligence and chatbot technology to hold down healthcare costs.
5 Trends In Cryptocurrency Entrepreneurs Need to Know
Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. The smart move is to start capitalizing now on the money of the future.
10 Money-Making Side Hustles Jobs You Can Start for Free or Cheaply
Thanks to technology, what used to be hobbies are now opportunities to make extra income.
10 Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs In Their Spare Time
These jobs that have low startup costs and are part-time are perfect for the young business person getting started.
5 Essential Podcasts for Entrepreneurs Serious About Cryptocurrency
Your buyer offers to pay you with bitcoins. Cool, but how do you spend bitcoin?
4 Steps to Building a Stellar Personal Brand
Answering four simple questions will draw the blueprints for a powerful personal.
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