Melanie Spring


As the Chief Inspiration Officer of Sisarina, a D.C.-based branding firm, Spring built her business with a strong content marketing strategy. With an innate sense for social media, connecting with her customers, and building a culture around her brand, she teaches businesses and non-profits how to rock their brand. She also recently toured the U.S. on the Live Your Brand Tour collecting stories from businesses living their brand.

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Growing a Business

How to Overcome the Fear of Success

The only thing holding you back from success is yourself.

Thought Leaders

Want to Be an Entrepreneur? Get Off the Couch.

The founder of beanbag company Lovesac shares his secrets on how he turned his hobby into a real business.

Growing a Business

Use Your Drive to Create Your Habits

From closing the loop to setting your intention, behavioral-science expert and author James Clear explains at an 'Entrepreneur 'event how creating habits can help you get where you want to go.

Growing a Business

Define What Success Looks Like to You

Success can mean different things to different people but the key is to envision what it means and act on it.


Being Human Is How Your Branding Strategy Will Succeed

Because entrepreneurs are often focused on building a product or service to help businesses or consumers, we forget how to have human conversations.


5 Secrets to Creating an Impactful Brand

When The Mars Advertising decided it was time for a rebrand, they wanted to ensure the overhaul would be meaningful and provide the type of excitement employees could thrive on.

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