Michelle Greene Rhodes


Michelle Rhodes is an international speaker and executive coach known for helping women stay well. Women turn to her for motivation, innovation and transformation. She is also an opinion columnist and editor-in-chief at magazine “The Color of Wellness."

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Do You Sit At Your Desk All Day? These Small Changes Can Improve Your Wellness.

Even if we sit all day, doing work on our computers and phones, we can still make changes that improve our wellness. Here's how.

Business News

Creating an Engaging Workforce Through Thoughtful Office Space

The future of work might just depend upon our comfort levels.

Thought Leaders

4 Ways to Create a Spirit of Collaboration for Women in the Workplace

The competitive and political nature of the work environment doesn't always lend itself to a spirit of support and encouragement.


4 formas de crear un espíritu de colaboración para las mujeres en el lugar de trabajo

La naturaleza competitiva y política del entorno laboral no siempre se presta a un espíritu de apoyo y aliento.

Thought Leaders

Women Who Successfully Balance Leadership, Family and Wellbeing Have These 3 Things in Common

Women are increasingly hard-pressed in finding equilibrium between professional and family/personal lives, but committing to certain mindsets can help.

Mujeres emprendedoras

Las mujeres que logran equilibrar exitosamente el liderazgo, la familia y el bienestar tienen estas 3 cosas en común

Las mujeres tienen cada vez más dificultades para encontrar el equilibrio entre la vida profesional y familiar / personal, pero comprometerse con ciertas mentalidades puede ayudar.

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