Natacha Rousseau


Natacha Rousseau is a tech enthusiast driven by the idea that innovation can make the world a better place.

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Starting a Business

Surviving the Storm: 10 Effective Communication Strategies for Startups to Survive the Economic Downturn

In this uncertain financial climate, look for clues in how your communications roadmap to develop leads and communicate with your community

Money & Finance

Making Sense of How Carbon Offsetting Can Drive Climate Action

We need a fair and equitable market that will assist the flow of finance toward climate action.

Business News

Is This Industry the Future of Entertainment? If So, There's Still Room for Innovation.

The world of competitive, organized video gaming has had unprecedented growth but there is still room for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Solving the No. 1 Issue of Our Time: Using Blockchain Technology to Scale Climate Action

The crypto-carbon space has a common goal: to prioritize investment into the planet above all else.

Thought Leaders

5 Tips for Mompreneurs Raising a Family and Running a Business as the World Reopens

Motherhood is complex. Creating life is beautiful, but it's also the hardest challenge a human can face. Below are some ideas and inspiration with the hopes of providing any support or inspiration to mom entrepreneurs out there.

Mujeres emprendedoras

5 consejos para mamás emprendedoras que crían una familia y dirigen un negocio mientras el mundo se reabre

La maternidad es compleja. Crear vida es hermoso, pero también es el desafío más difícil que puede enfrentar un ser humano. A continuación se presentan algunas ideas e inspiración con la esperanza de brindar apoyo o inspiración a las mamás emprendedoras.

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