Paul L. Gunn, Jr
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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Add Empathy and Kindness to Your New Year's Resolutions for 2022
Empathy and kindness don't go out of style. Try adding them as a company wide resolution to be impactful in 2022
Agregue empatía y amabilidad a sus propósitos de año nuevo para 2022
La empatía y la amabilidad no pasan de moda. Intente agregarlos como una resolución para toda la empresa para tener un impacto en 2022
Closing the Learning Gap May Solve the Skills Gap
Employers and educators can help our youth gain opportunities to advance.
Cerrar la brecha de aprendizaje puede resolver la brecha de habilidades
Los empleadores y los educadores pueden ayudar a nuestros jóvenes a obtener oportunidades para avanzar.
The Business of Sustainability
Entrepreneurs have their role to play in working toward sustainability for all humanity.
Why Empathy Wins and Selling Doesn't
Connect deeply with your customers by being empathetic to the reason they seek to buy.
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