Polly Schneider Traylor


Polly Traylor is a former high-tech magazine journalist with CIO and The Industry Standard, among others. She writes about business, health care and technology from Golden, Colorado.

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Why Your Business Needs an Operations Plan

If you're sailing your boat without a rudder, you're going to lose control when the water gets rough. A growing business needs a sound operations plan to survive.

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Social Advertising: Like, Share, Retweet ... Buy?

Companies are turning to social media as the next frontier for advertising -- and even small businesses can afford to get in on the action.

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The Buzz Behind Those Tech Buzzwords

In our piece on hot tech trends, we explained the cloud, crowdsourcing and other tricky terms. Now, we tackle those big concept buzzwords that likely get thrown around your office.

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Behind the Buzz: Five Tech Trends, Defined

Do you want to know, once and for all, what the cloud is? Here's our take on those technology terms you keep hearing, but may not quite understand.

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Growing Your Business the Six Sigma Way

The well-known philosophy for pleasing customers and growing sales makes sense even for small businesses.

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Does Your Website Make Customers Cringe?

The trick to a successful e-commerce site is making transactions easy and enjoyable for customers.

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