Priscila Martinez
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3 Crucial First Steps You Need to Take to Nail Your PR Strategy
You don't need a fancy (read: expensive) firm to give you the goods. The best strategies take place in-house and are free to start.
Celebrity Placements are the "Holy Grail" of Marketing. Here's How to Score One for Free.
Organic celebrity endorsements are a complicated art, but they easily transform into dollars if you play your cards right.
Las ubicaciones de celebridades son el "Santo Grial" del marketing. Aquí le mostramos cómo anotar uno gratis.
Los patrocinios orgánicos de celebridades son un arte complicado, pero se transforman fácilmente en dólares si juegas bien tus cartas.
The 1 Business Lesson You Need in 2021
Many businesses have succumbed to pandemic-related shutdowns. By using the Stockdale Paradox, yours doesn't have to be one of them.
La primera lección empresarial que necesita en 2021
Muchas empresas han sucumbido a los cierres relacionados con la pandemia. Al utilizar la paradoja de Stockdale, la suya no tiene por qué ser una de ellas.
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