Rebecca Horan


Rebecca Horan is the owner of Rebecca Horan Consulting, a brand strategy consultancy. She has spent more than 20 years helping established brands and emerging voices to claim their place in the market and forge a meaningful and lasting connection with their ideal customers, clients and students.

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How Brands Get People to Care. And How Yours Can, Too.

You know all those Subaru commercials starring, um, dogs? There's a good reason for that.

Thought Leaders

Stop Being So Modest! Why Women in Business Need to Get Comfortable with Bragging

For female entrepreneurs, bragging can be a struggle. Here's how to get past that roadblock -- in a comfortable way.

Thought Leaders

What to Do When Ambition and Motherhood Feel Like a Zero-Sum Game

For many professional women, the choice between returning to work full-time or staying home full-time can be complicated. Here are some suggestions to keep it from feeling like a no-win proposition.


The First Thing You Should Do When Building Your Brand (Hint: It Isn't Pick Out a Logo)

The best way to build your brand is to start from the inside out.