Rich Karpinski

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Business Ideas

How to Start a Business in a Recession

Economic cycles come and go, but businesses must thrive in good times and bad. Fat Straws Bubble Tea's Terry Pham launched during a recession and survived two downturns. Learn how Pham and other entrepreneurs made a go of it in tough times.

Science & Technology

What 4G Is All About and Why You Should Care

Why it might make sense for your business to embrace the next generation of mobile now.

Science & Technology

New Developments Pave the Way for Mobile Video Conferencing

Ready for video calling on your smartphone? It's ready for you.

Science & Technology

New Services Can Give You a Hot-Spot On the Go

If it is, your friends and colleagues will be happy to see you--and leech off your mobile high-speed connection.

Science & Technology

Can VoIP Cut Your Mobile Costs?

VoIP: It looks weird written out, it's fun to say and it can help you save money on your telecom costs.