Roee Ganot


Roee Ganot is a growth marketing and SEO expert who specializes in SaaS and B2B industries. His professional portfolio includes hands-on experience in performance-based marketing for global brands with proven results in improving traffic and revenue. He is also a father and football aficionado.

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Growing a Business

Scale Up Your SEO Practices in B2B SaaS Companies

Learn how to build exceptional organic growth strategies with these innovation-driven approaches.

Science & Technology

Elon Musk's Research Firm Built an AI-Powered Game Changer for Marketers

The future of marketing will undoubtedly be driven by AI. Forward-thinking marketers should investigate GPT-3 tools seriously and consider experimenting with them.


La empresa de investigación de Elon Musk creó un cambiador de juego impulsado por IA para los especialistas en marketing

Sin duda, el futuro del marketing estará impulsado por la IA. Los especialistas en marketing con visión de futuro deben investigar seriamente las herramientas GPT-3 y considerar experimentar con ellas.


10 Ways to Have Productive Zoom Meetings, Even With Kids in the Mix

Today's remote workers need to stay productive while juggling the distraction of dealing with children.


Diez formas de tener reuniones de Zoom productivas, incluso con niños en la mezcla

Los trabajadores remotos de hoy necesitan mantenerse productivos mientras hacen malabares con la distracción de tratar con niños.

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