Sahil Vora


Sahil Vora is the founder and Managing Director of SILA. 

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Growth Strategies

What Incepted The Renaissance of The Indian Real Estate Industry

This concept has brought about a paradigm shift in the way commercial realty in India is providing services to consumers


Why Some Founders Fail as CEOs

There have been many cases when the founder's desire for control overtook their motivation for profit, and as a result, they couldn't get any investor to come on board.


Why Sportsmen Make Good Entrepreneurs

Value for hard work, perseverance, and being a team player are some of the most basic and fundamental values of entrepreneurship and sports


Want to Be an Entrepreneur? You Need These Skills

It is important to learn how to deal with multiple internal questions, thoughts, ideas for a person who wants to run a business and hence we discuss it all

Growth Strategies

6 Ways to Setup a Structure for Entrepreneurship

Is your entrepreneurship a structured one or are you still trying to figure out how to do that ?


Few Key Factors to Consider Before Raising Startup Capital

"To understand the amount Capital required to start a business, one needs to clearly define the uses of Capital"

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