Stephen Sheinbaum


Stephen Sheinbaum is founder of Merchant Cash and Capital

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The 5 Habits of Successful Employee Management

Make life easier on your employees, and they'll make life easier for you.

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Organization & Management Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs to Boost Productivity

Relying on technology can help save you time, energy and frustration.

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It's Nearly 2017. Do You Know Where Your Inventory Is?

Keeping close track of inventory is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to improve your bottom line.

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The Small-Business Guide to Managing Minimum Wage Increases

All politics aside, changes in the minimum wage have effects on all businesses, large and small, whether you voted for them or not. Get out ahead of policy and start a comprehensive analysis of your company now.

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5 Ways Small-Business Owners Can Improve Customer Retention

Applying these five tips can help mold your daily business routines as well as build your brand image.

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4 Tools That Make Your Small Business Look Big

Just because you're not Apple or Amazon doesn't mean you can't look every bit as professional to consumers. Here's how to do it.

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