Stephen M.R. Covey


Stephen M. R. Covey is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The SPEED of Trust—The One Thing That Changes Everything and the new Trust & Inspire. Stephen is the former President & CEO of the Covey Leadership Center and co-founded and currently leads the FrankinCovey Global Trust Practice. Stephen is a highly sought-after international speaker, who has taught trust and leadership in 55 countries to business, government, military, education, healthcare, and NGO entities.

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How Truly Great Leaders Overcome the Fear of Trusting Their Teams

In his new book, leadership expert Stephen M. R. Covey outlines how to deal with "But what if it doesn't work?" doubts.


Cómo los líderes verdaderamente grandes superan el miedo a confiar en sus equipos

En su nuevo libro, el experto en liderazgo Stephen MR Covey describe cómo lidiar con "¿Pero qué pasa si no funciona?" dudas.