Steve Cook


Steve Cook is an attorney in Mesa, Ariz. He represents both small and medium-sized businesses in matters ranging from entity formation, venture capital funding, to mergers, acquisitions and dispositions.

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Starting a Business

What Are They? Domain Names, Business Entity Names, Trademarks.

If you've been using these terms interchangeably, stop right there.


4 Ways to Protect Your Brand Without Involving the Courts

Take action on addressing any negative reviews of your brand or business.

Growing a Business

What Companies Can Learn From Taylor Swift's Backlash Against Apple

Building relationships is always worth the money it costs you.

Growing a Business

How Do You Make Your Business Sale-Ready From the Beginning?

Even if you're just starting out, it may be smart to start planning for that big day. Here are three considerations.


The Lessons Uber, WhatsApp, Amazon and Apple Have Taught Us About Disruption

They've solved problems. They've innovated. They've piggybacked on existing disruptors to be the powerhouses they are today.

Starting a Business

LLCs Are More Limited Protection Than Many Entrepreneurs Realize

The assets of sole proprietors don't receive blanket protection simply by forming an LLC.

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