Tasha Eurich
Tasha Eurich is a New York Times best-selling author. She holds a doctorate in organization psychology and writes about psychology and the workplace. Eurich’s research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and she regularly speaks to audiences around the world, including her recent TEDx talk. As the founder of The Eurich Group, she helps companies from start-ups to the Fortune 100 succeed by improving their leaders’ and teams’ effectiveness.
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5 Essential Lessons My Clients Taught Me in 2016
Entrepreneurship can be a bumpy, even scary, ride that's often full of surprises.
This Question Will Help Your Friendships Survive Past the Election
Stop assuming you're entirely right and start trying to understand the people you believe are entirely wrong.
3 Office Realities That Make Focus Nearly Impossible
Between the distractions all around and our own shriveled attention spans, it is remarkable we get anything done.
4 Antidotes for Our Anger Epidemic
Before expressing your feelings, take several deep breaths and assess if they are grounded in reality.
No One Is Telling You the Truth at Work (And What to Do About It)
Silence may be golden -- but it can also be misleading. Don't let your performance suffer because your coworkers are confrontation averse.
The Real Reason You Should Never Talk Politics at Work
Don't allow politics to change the way you see your colleagues, instead find work-related goals and values to discuss.
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