Torrey Tayenaka


Torrey Tayenaka founded his first production startup in high school. Today, he is CEO of Sparkhouse, focusing on high-concept, branded video production.

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Social Media

How to Integrate TikTok Into Your Video Marketing Strategy

TikTok is changing how we consume media.

Redes sociales

Cómo integrar TikTok en su estrategia de marketing de video

TikTok está cambiando la forma en que consumimos los medios.

Social Media

Beginner's Guide to Social Media Marketing

It's never too late to embrace all of the free social media marketing platforms that are at your disposal.

Social Media

CGI-Created Virtual Influencers Are the New Trend in Social Media Marketing

Brands try creating their own influencers to control their messaging.

Thought Leaders

Decentralization: The Story of Successful Companies Is About to Change

The future is decentralized ventures, where everyone works together to steer the business forward and everyone has a voice.

Social Media

A Breakdown of Every Major Social Media Platform for Business Owners

How every social media platform can play a big part in expanding your brand.

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