Tracy Maylett


Tracy Maylett, Ed.D is CEO of employee engagement consulting firm DecisionWise and author of the books, MAGIC: Five Keys to Unlock the Power of Employee Engagement and The Employee Experience.

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Employee Experience & Recruiting

Set Realistic, Attainable Goals for Your Employees

When it comes to employees, a contract is always being created, reinforced, violated or re-negotiated.


Does Your Company Reward Competent Jerks?

People who achieve short-term results at the long-term expense of the organization can be devastating.


5 Signs Your Employer Brand Is in Trouble

For every six employees, there is one doing what he or she can to tear your brand apart.

Money & Finance

Will Matching Amazon's Wage Increase Buy Your Employees' Engagement?

Don't expect a parade if you start paying a $15 per hour minimum wage.


All the Common Excuses for Not Delegating Boil Down to Lack of Confidence

Leaders delegate important work when they trust their team and know their own worth.

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