Vanessa Van Edwards


Vanessa Van Edwards is a national best selling author and lead investigator at her human behavior research lab, Her book, Captivate: Use Science to Succeed with People, was chosen by Apple as one of the most anticipated books of 2017, and she leads soft skills trainings for Fortune 500 companies including Google, Dove, Facebook, Intel, MillerCoors and American Express.

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3 Secrets to a Sincere Apology

Leaders who apologize for their mistakes are actually perceived as stronger and more inspirational than those who don't acknowledge their mistakes, according to a study.


The Scientifically Proven Ways to Deliver Bad News

No one likes hearing bad news, but you can soften the blow with these research-backed strategies.


3 Proven Strategies on Taking Breaks That Will Help You Become More Productive

Working for long, uninterrupted hours, day after day, may make you feel productive, but, in reality, it's likely hurting your performance.


Finding Your 'Stress Sweet Spot' to Perform at Your Best

A new book explores the amount of stress needed for you to function at your highest level.

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How Entrepreneurs Can Resist Shiny-Object Syndrome

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