CBIZ Divests Franchise Operation <b></b>
Cleveland-Century Business Services Inc. (CBIZ) announcedthe sale of its franchise operation, Century Small BusinessSolutions Inc., to Fiducial Triple Check Inc., a privately heldCalifornia corporation.
Century Small Business Solutions, based in Mission Viejo,California, is the franchisor of a network of approximately 550franchisee offices that offer accounting services for smallbusinesses. Revenue from Century Small Business Solutions accountedfor less than 1 percent of CBIZ's revenue year-to-date. Thetransaction did not include eight CBIZ-owned franchisee offices.Net proceeds from the sale will be used for debt reduction.
Century Business Services Inc. is a provider of outsourcedbusiness services to small and midsized companies throughout theUnited States. These services are provided throughout a network ofmore than 200 company offices in 36 states and the District ofColumbia. -PRNewswire