Jawbone Launches New Wearable Fitness Trackers The new devices can track details of workouts, hours slept and heart rate.
By Reuters
This story originally appeared on Reuters
Wearable device maker Jawbone unveiled a set of new fitness trackers called "UP Move" and "UP3" that track details of workouts, hours slept and heart rate.
Up Move, which comes with an LED display to view the number of steps and time taken, will be available at $50, and UP3 will be available at $180, the San Francisco-based company said.
UP3, a wrist band equipped with sensors on the strap, keeps track of the physical activity and heart rate as well as provides recommendations on daily lifestyle using UP App.
Up Move, which is powered by MotionX technology, connects wirelessly with Jawbone's UP App via bluetooth.
While Up Move is ready for pre-order from Wednesday, UP3 will be available later this year, the company said.
Jawbone unveiled its software named UP in September, that can incorporate health and fitness data from any gadget, from Apple Inc's iPhone to Goolgle Inc's android wear device.
(Reporting by Rishika Sadam in Bangalore)