The Most Dangerous Job in America Could Be Fatal With 'Potential for Blunt Force Trauma Accidents' A worker died every 101 minutes from a work-related injury in 2021.
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Who knew Paul Bunyan had it so rough?
According to newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, loggers have the most dangerous job in America.
The occupation had a fatal work injury rate of 82 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers in 2021.
"There is no denying that logging is inherently dangerous and difficult. This can be attributed to the working environment, such as winter snow conditions and rugged terrain," the executive director of the American Loggers Council, Scott Dane, told Fox Business. "Additionally, the forces represented by felling and handling timber exposes loggers to the potential for blunt force trauma accidents."
However, it doesn't look like the odds get these loggers down. Dane told the outlet that loggers are professionals who focus on safety, but "take this 'most dangerous job' label as a badge of honor, somehow reflecting how brave they are."
Fishing and hunting together ranked No. 2 on the Bureau's list of most fatal work injury rates with the group facing a 75% fatal work injury rate, followed by roofers who are up against a 59% risk.
Additionally, according to the Bureau's findings, the transportation industry proved to be particularly dangerous with the highest number of recorded fatalities. Transportation and material moving occupations saw an 18.8% increase from 2020, with 1,523 fatal work injuries in 2021.
The report also found that a worker died every 101 minutes from a work-related injury in 2021.