The 7 Audiences of a CEO Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David identifies the various audiences a CEO interacts with and suggests ways to address each.
Every business owner knows that the way you interact with customers is drastically different from the way you communicate with your sales team. In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David identifies seven distinct audiences that the average CEO deals with on a regular basis and shares tips for communicating with them.
Every audience requires an independent language, and "once you learn how to be aligned with the way you communicate with them," Bet-David explains, "you become more effective."
The seven key audiences include:
- Media and public
- Vendors
- Investors
- Customers
- Partners
- Staff and executives
- Sales force
Click play to find out which audiences are most important, along with strategies for communicating with each.
Watch more YouTube videos from Bet-David on his channel.
Related: 10 Things You Should Be Paranoid About as an Entrepreneur
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