Alternative Health-Care Center

Startup Costs: $100,000 +
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Do you want to start a business-related alternative to health care, but you lack skills or experience in the industry? You can still be part of the multibillion-dollar booming alternative health-care industry simply by starting an alternative health care center. Start by leasing a large professional office space and subdivide the space into smaller offices for alternative practitioners to lease and, in effect, form an alternative health-care center. Attracting health care practitioners to sublease the smaller individual offices should be no problem, providing you offer services such as a centralized receptionist, parcel shipping, central record keeping and additional services that the practitioners would typically require for the operation of their alternative health-care services. The alternative health-care services housed within the center could include massage therapy, aromatherapy, herbal medicines and any other alternative health-care service that is available.

Alternative Health-Care Center Ideas

Health Seminars

Provide health-conscious individuals with a group of experts gathered in one place.

Natural Home Remedies

Alternatives to medication can bring you healthy profits.

Home-Care Service

With more people wanting to grow old in their homes, this could be the perfect opportunity for a caring person.

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