Children's Party Service

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Every day thousands of children have birthdays, graduate to the next grade, or just deserve some fun, and all of these events are a very good reason to celebrate and have a party. The main consideration for starting this type of party service is whether the business be operated from a fixed location or on a mobile basis? Once you have established the base of operations, you can begin to market the party service. A great starting point will be a well-designed and colorful marketing brochure describing your service. These brochures can be circulated to daycare centers, kids sports association meetings, and recreation centers. Remember not to overlook elderly groups and associations as this can be a very lucrative market to tap into. After all, grandparents love to spoil their grandchildren. Try to make the party service a one-stop shopping experience, and include items such as a location for the party, theme, party favors, activities, transportation, food, entertainment, and prizes. It's not a bad idea to include some educational value too, if you can make the kids think it's fun.

Children's Party Service Ideas

Doll Making

Hand-crafted dolls can bring joy to children and profits to your business.

Children's Book and Software Store

Revisit those sweet reading days by opening up a children's bookstore.

Nanny Placement Service

Ease concerned parents' fears with quality childcare professionals.

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