Home Improvement Trade Shows
Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No
Why not organize and host your own semiannual home improvement trade shows. Now is the time to capitalize on the popularity of home improvement trade shows. Construction and renovation companies do not hesitate in paying as much as $200 per day for a 10-foot x 10-foot display booth, and the attending public will gladly pay $10 to get inside to see all the latest home improvement products and services. Marketing tip: Find a major sponsor to co-host and promote the event, such as a radio station, TV station, local building center, newspaper, or construction association. Securing this type of sponsorship can help reduce your up-front capital outlay as well. You can utilize the resources that these sponsors already have in place. Profit potential range is $10,000+ per home improvement trade show that the business organizes.
Home Improvement Trade Shows Ideas
Residential Safety Consultant
Have an eye for hazards? Help clients feel safe at home.
Apartment Prep Service
Use your talent for handiwork to start an apartment prep service business.
Moving Service
In the midst of a nearly 20-year high in the number of Americans changing residences, this type of company is in a remarkable position to tap into once-in-a-generation levels of applicability and profitability.
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