Refurbishing Antique Appliances
Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No
The profits that can be made by turning discarded and abandoned antique appliances into refurbished and functional appliances for today's custom designed residential kitchens are enormous. One of the best aspects of this business opportunity is that you do not even have to know how to repair or refurbish the appliances yourself, as you can hire skilled employees for this part of the business. The market for refurbished antique appliances is absolutely gigantic. Some appliances sell for as much as $5,000 each to interior decorators and homeowners seeking the ultimate designer touch. When you consider many of these same antique appliances can be found in less than perfect condition at garage sales, junkyards, and auction sales for less than $100, that's a very good return on investment; even if it costs a thousand dollars or more to restore the appliance. Once refurbished, antique appliances can be sold directly to consumers and design professionals via a display booth at home and garden shows, advertisements in home improvement and antique trade publications, and of course through Internet malls and Web auction services.
Refurbishing Antique Appliances Ideas
Remodeling Project Management
Coordinate all the different people and companies involved in a remodeling project to keep homeowners happy.
House Sitting
Take care of homes when their owners are away with a house sitting service.
Apartment Prep Service
Use your talent for handiwork to start an apartment prep service business.
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