Rajeev Shroff


Mr Rajeev Shroff is the Fractional CEO of Cupela ,Transformational coach and consultant. He is also the Board member of Smart Drive, an automobile industry. He recently acquired the highest level of certification of Master Certified Coach (MCC) from the largest and the most respected coach certifying organisation ICF. 


Growth Strategies

HR Management: Here are 3 Quick Tips to Filter the Right Talent

There is currently too much emphasis on hiring the right talent, rather than allowing the talent to make the right decisions

Growth Strategies

Engaging the Senior Management for Effective Results

As all employees rightfully expect appreciation and credit where it is due, this must be carried over to leaders, no matter how senior

Growth Strategies

Channelling Procrastination Into Productivity

Highlight the importance of little details of the brief, and pinpoint the fact that without questions ordinarily, such finer details would not be clear


Being a Consistent Learner Helps Ace Mentorship Skills

The hierarchical ladder may end, but the learning never stops

Growth Strategies

Ensuring Team Compliance with Remote Leadership

Do not shy away from communicating just because it may be difficult at first