Saiju Aravind


EduBrisk is an integrated and personalised teaching and learning tool founded by IIT-ian and former Senior Scientist, DRDO and Naval Architect, Mr. Saiju Aravind, with a vision to disrupt the teaching-learning process for the K-12 segment. The EduBrisk Methodology is holistic, in that it includes Teachers and Parents as well.

Lending practical solutions to its Founder’s core belief of the need to understand how to learn before imparting and gaining knowledge, EduBrisk functions on its unique brand purpose of ‘Learning to Learn’, ‘Learning to Teach Inclusively’ and ‘Learning to Mentor’, targeted for Students, Teachers, and Parents, respectively.



Lines, Curves & Charts: The Power of Analytics in Education

The following analytics with Individualized Education Plans ensures that both Student performances and School reputations improve

Growth Strategies

Outsourcing in the field of Education

Clearly, a larger, integrated vision, which goes beyond academic excellence, can help nurture our youngsters into fulfilled, well-rounded individuals


Is there a Business Opportunity in Happiness?

Happiness ministries around the globe are in the process of logging into various customer data, with the view of improving customer satisfaction leading to customer happiness.


Kids, Go Fish: Wealth Vs Knowledge Inheritance

From Mark Zuckerberg to Jackie Chan todays right minded billionaires have different plans for their offspring, which makes these people true humanitarians as they set the following precedence


How Much can Your Physiology Manipulate Your Learning Abilities?

Posture can trigger our brain to work for us

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