Sania Gupta


Sania Gupta is also Founder and CEO, Digital Kangaroos, an author, entrepreneur, marketer and blogger. And as a career coach at My Study Destination, she has helped thousands of students realize their dreams.



Why the Freelance Life isn't for Everyone?

The grass will remain greener on the other side, no matter what stand you take


5 Functional Ways to Lead Employees with Intention

An effective leader must learn and incorporate 'lead with intent' for maximum results


Outsourcing vs Hiring Full-time Staff

The most important criterion should be the cost, expertise and flexibility and these will help you fight the battle of outsourcing vs. in-house staff

Women Entrepreneur®

Labelled Women and Bias at Workplace

Women can be given a fair chance when the organization comes out of the shackles of gender bias and prejudices.


What do Highly Connected People Have in Common?

To be a highly successful entrepreneur, you ought to embrace generosity and expand your reach and connections to strengthen your business ties

Growth Strategies

Strategies to Boost Your Online Business

The world of online sales is taking the world of marketing by the storm and right strategies have to be devised to maintain a long-term relationship with the clients.

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