Tarika Bhartiya and Varun Bhartiya
Entrepreneur couple who extended their love to establish nCircle Tech, A Prototech Solutions Franchisee, with the aim to create impact through innovative engineering software, empowering Passionate innovators to ideate and create extraordinary and impactful products to make the world a better place. From a few thousands of dollars in revenue to churning millions in yearly turnover in a short span of six years, their growth story is inspiring. The key to their success has been looking beyond just the top line and bottom line and creating value and impact for every stakeholder be it employees, customers, customers’ customers and vendors.
Stop Interviewing, Start Interacting
Why it's time for the traditional interview to evolve, and 3 ways to get started with the change
Are You Ready to Turn Your Services into Products?
The line between products and services is getting blurred. It's time to assess how you produce value.
All Businesses Are Marketing Businesses, and Everyone is a Marketer
The path to success lies in fostering marketing as a culture
Bring Your B2B Industrial Marketing Game to the 3rd Dimension
With large and constantly evolving product lines, maintaining a single version of truth can be hard sometimes but this is what you can do
How (Not Why) You Need to Start Hiring People Smarter Than Yourself
Why wouldn't you hire an advisor who shares the same world view? How is it really different from hiring someone who is a 'cultural fit'?
The 4 Common Leadership Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things; leaders being humans sometimes make mistakes and do the wrong things
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