How To Create Better Content And Grow Your Business Founder of Clonefluence and Cloned gg, Justin Grome shares his best tactics to create better content and grow your business
By Rohan Kamal
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Content creation and marketing is an excellent way to introduce people to your products and services. In addition to this, it is also a great way to engage with your customers. Two of Justin Grome's companies Clonefluence and Cloned gg come to mind when talking about content creation and growing your business. Clonefluence exists to help people expand their profession in numerous ways. The company does this through social media advertising and the use of proficient promotional strategies together with keeping up close associations with their customers. Cloned gg is starting out as a non-profit stream team focused solely on gamers, streamers, content makers, and YouTubers. These organizations help customers make some specific and generous upgrades in their professions.
With 204,000 followers on Instagram and running three successful companies, we talked to Justin Grome about content creation and growth. He discusses how the majority of the people struggle most in the arranging stage and in finding their right vision. Everybody wants quick success and accomplishments, however they would prefer not to work for it.
Justin moreover encourages people to be unique and invest their energy in putting out great content because this is what catches the customer's attention. Content marketing is quite common in pretty much every industry, which implies that you'll need to work more efficiently to stand out. On the off chance that you find yourself in an extremely competitive market, think rationally and come up with smart ways to be on top. Given below are a few tips and tricks that Justin Grome shared on how to create better content and grow your business.
Imagine a bright future
This may seem a little far fetched but you need to know that imagining a bright future for your business directly correlates to the art of planning. Justin talks about the importance of the planning phase and making sure that things are perfect down to the last dot. Doing this means that you are improving things in your company from the inside out which is better than change coming from the outside in. If you plan things perfectly and imagine a bright future for your business, you will come up with content that takes you to new heights.
Create serialized content
More far reaching content isn't simply more work for you to make, it's likewise more work for clients to burn-through. All things considered, these lengthier pieces will in general create a ton of interest. Despite the fact that there are a few suitable methods for introducing long-structure content, serialization makes it more absorbable while additionally giving you a few occasions to give clients a source of inspiration or other transformation point. Take a substantial point, split it up into a progressing arrangement of substance, and consider making it accessible only for email endorsers. The best part? You needn't bother with everything composed before you start — you get in any event seven days between each new bit of substance.
Go meta
This is one of Justin's favourite ways to get an additional knock on existing substance. You can get more out of a more extended bit of substance by breaking down what you gain from it in a more limited blog entry on a website, for example, LinkedIn or Medium. Make an edible bit of substance intended for utilization and sharing that gives refined bits of knowledge from your principle content piece. Have a go at summing up a major bit of substance by breaking it into an edible post on a stage with bunches of dispersion.
Build skyscraper content
Majority of the people nowadays publish content. However, a large portion of it is awful. That makes an occasion to stand apart by doing an amazing job. The expression "skyscraper" depicts content that is head and shoulders over the rest. Sounds like a good thought, isn't that so? In any case, where do you start? The Skyscraper Technique can be refined in three stages: discover interface commendable substance, make something better, and contact the opportune individuals. Where would you be able to make a bit of striking substance? What's the current "elite" in your specialty, and how might you improve it? Search for themes with heaps of posts however no authoritative asset. Go long-structure like Moz, assemble an assortment of well-qualified sentiments, or explore and carry your own information to the table. There are heaps of approaches to stand apart with high rise content.
Get to know your audience
Comprehend your client's requirements and create items and administrations that address those issues. You can pick up understanding into your clients by customizing your administrations and urging them to give you criticism. Once you get to know your clientele better, you can create content that caters to their needs.