The Hottest Franchise Categories of 2022 These are the types of franchises that show the greatest potential for success in the year ahead.
This story appears in the December 2021 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »
Every December, we at Entrepreneur put on our prognosticators' hats and try to forecast which types of franchises will do best in the year ahead. We look at growth—both in the number of franchise units and in the number of new franchisors in a category—and consider what trends are evident both within and without the franchise world. To an extent, we also listen to the instincts we've honed over years of ranking and writing about franchises.
Naturally, most of the categories we chose this year grew in reaction to new, pandemic-fueled needs. Industries like cleaning and restoration, health and wellness, and senior care are among them. But in 2022, we expect a lot of franchise growth to be driven by the need—or at least the desire—to get back to some semblance of "normal." That's why we've also chosen categories like children's education and enrichment (as kids head back to school), salon and spa services (as people return to in-person selfcare), and staffing and recruiting (as businesses continue to grow).
You'll find hundreds of franchises representing these and our other choices for trending categories (linked below). Remember, though, that inclusion on this list is not intended as a recommendation of any particular franchise. Not every company within a strong category is also a strong franchise, so it's important that you do your own research to find out whether an opportunity is a wise investment for you. Read the company's legal documents, consult with an attorney and an accountant, and talk to current and former franchisees before you decide.
ChickenChildren's Education/Enrichment Cleaning/Restoration Fruit Health & Wellness Home Improvement Pets Salon & Spa Services Senior Care Staffing/Recruiting