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How This Latina CEO Created the Fastest-Growing Hispanic Media Company in the U.S. Rafferty Zavala, the founder and CEO of Canela Media, breaks down her strategy for success.

By William Salvi Edited by Dan Bova

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this episode of The CEO Series, Isabel Rafferty Zavala, the founder and CEO of Canela Media, explains her strategies that led to the company becoming the fastest-growing Hispanic media company in the U.S.

Canela Media's flagship product, Canela.TV, the first free streaming service specifically for Hispanics in the US, has now expanded into Latin America.

Canela.TV provides a wide range of content, from daily newscasts and entertainment shows to reality TV and sports programming. This approach has allowed large brands to advertise and connect with the Latino community. Zavala's vision turned Canela Media into a multifaceted media powerhouse, providing a comprehensive platform for Hispanic representation.

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Her journey into entrepreneurship began with a passion for media and technology. Before founding Canela Media, she successfully launched and sold another company, Mobvious. Recognizing a gap in the market for a dedicated Hispanic streaming service, she leveraged her extensive industry connections and knowledge to create Canela Media.

As a Latina woman, Zavala says she faced many challenges in raising capital, but her perseverance paid off. Her strategic pivot to seek out investors focused on Hispanic and Latino companies, such as Angeles Investors, led to a successful funding round of $3 million in the seed round, followed by a $32 million Series A round, allowing Canela Media to grow rapidly.

The personal and professional blend seamlessly in Isabel's life. Her experience as a mother influenced the creation of Canela Kids, a platform designed to ensure bilingualism among Hispanic children. Programs like "Super Reyes" showcase Latina trailblazers, inspiring young girls to see themselves in successful figures. This alignment of personal values and business objectives has driven Canela Media's success and resonated deeply with its audience.

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Zavala's story is one of resilience and vision. From humble beginnings to leading a media company with 50 million monthly active users, she has demonstrated the power of determination and strategic thinking. Her ability to identify and fill a market need, coupled with her relentless drive, positions Canela Media for continued growth and dominance in the Hispanic media landscape. For aspiring entrepreneurs, Isabel's journey underscores the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and aligning business goals with personal passions.

William Salvi

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP

Producer & Host of The CEO Series | Salvi

William Salvi is executive producer at Salvi, an executive communications and content strategy agency. He hosts the Emmy Award-winning video series The CEO Series. Each episode profiles a business leader and their respective business and provides a humanizing look into the CEO's personal story.

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