How to Focus on Your Goals and Work More Efficiently Don't just have dreams -- make goals and figure out how to accomplish them.
By Brian Tracy
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy discusses the importance of setting goals.
Whether your goal is to become a millionaire or simply to have enough money saved up to take a good vacation, it's important to know what you want and how you're going to get there. Tracy recommends writing down your goals, as well as multiple, creative ways to accomplish them. How much time do you need to accomplish your goal, and how can you use that time most efficiently? How much money do you need, and what are ways to save?
If you answer these questions early in your process and stay mindful of pursuing solutions, you'll be much more likely to end up with the result you envisioned than if you have a vague idea without a planned path.
To learn more, click play.
Watch more YouTube videos from Brian Tracy on his channel.
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