Why Aubrey Marcus Says You Should Focus on One Thing -- but More Than One Product Be flexible about your approach, not your goals.
In this video at Entrepreneur Live!, Onnit CEO and Founder Aubrey Marcus breaks down how his company has grown from its simple beginnings and early mishaps.
Onnit was created to maximize human efficiency -- just one goal, but one that requires multiple efforts, products and offerings. That's why Marcus is a proponent of having a singular focus, but to be flexible in how you approach that focus. You don't need to be a one-hit wonder, but you do need to make sure that everything you do is moving you toward your goal.
Marcus says it's easy to keep your focus if you understand why you are doing what you do. If you know exactly why your work matters, you'll be more likely to follow through and make progress.
Click play to hear about Marcus's start and business philosophy.