Business in Transformation: Page 2
6 Signs It's Time to Turn Your Startup in a New Direction
Few startup ideas are perfect; that's why it's important to recognize when you need a course correction in your idea, pitch, product or execution.
From Profit to Purpose: Making the Shift From Me to We
Raj Lahoti on turning obstacles into opportunities.
Groupon Moves Deeper in the Discount Space With 'Freebies'
The daily-deal site has added a new category to its repertoire that includes digital coupons, promotion codes, giveaways and samples.
Mastering Change: What You Can Learn From KFC and Instagram
The most successful entrepreneurs know when to shift direction because their businesses need it. Here are three guideposts to help you along the way.
How to Always Be Ready to Adapt Your Business to Change
Adapting to change quickly is a key way to ensure your business enjoys sustained growth. Here are six ways to make sure you're ready.
How Online Direct Sales Saved This Luxury Business
The financial crisis forced Vero Linens to find a new target market.
The Big Company That Got Nimble
Chinese Appliance maker, Haier Corporation, transformed itself from a small refrigerator maker to the world's largest appliance company by putting more power in the hands of employees.
How to Find a Personal Trainer for Your Business
College Trep AJ Agrawal dishes about how he and GreekPull co-founder built a stellar team of mentors -- and you can too.
Brand Shop 'Taps' Into Its Expertise to Build Brewery
With traditional advertising revenue shrinking, TBD of Bend, Ore., diversifies its branding business by selling craft beers.
A Foodie Startup Nixes Web for Brick-and-Mortar Shop
Freshfully started as a virtual marketplace for finding local food. When connecting buyers with their farm-fresh fare proved tricky, the Alabama startup shifted to a traditional street-side model.
Act Now, Assess Later: One Company's Real-Time Transformation
Translation goliath LanguageLine Solutions needed to make a quick transition into on-demand video interpretation or risk losing market share to its sprightly competitors.
What Can Your Company Learn From Lego?
Unbridled innovation nearly crushed the Danish toymaker. Everything started to click when it focused on making smaller, more controlled, changes.
This Startup's Biggest Hurdle Became Its Greatest Opportunity
TalentBin's founders' plan to foster peer reviews of job candidates didn't pan out, but it paved the way for an even bigger idea -- finding those job candidates in the first place.
Catering to Boomers, a Cell Phone Company Takes Off
Consumer Cellular made the call to target an older audience -- a move that's led to robust growth in revenue.
An Ohio Startup Cuts Its Teeth and Turns To Toothpaste
Branam Oral Health began life as the maker of the Gibby-Oral pacifier. But when sales of its natural toothpaste took off, the company pivoted.