Customer Relationship: Page 10

Business News

7 Ways to Turn Your Everyday Customers Into Extraordinary Brand Advocates

Acquiring customers is nice. Keeping customers is how you stay in business.

Growing a Business

Why Catering to Exactly What Clients Want Is a Winning Strategy

Sometimes a consumer won't be able to describe the need clearly but if you can figure out how to best provide the right service, you'll score the business.

Business News

How to 'Fire' Bad Customers Without Burning Bridges

There are several things you can do to make the process as pain-free as possible for both parties involved.


4 Ways to Give Your Customers Exactly What They Want

You don't have to have a perfect business, but it does need to be 'good enough' to attract your target audience and land sales. Follow these tips to bring in more business.


3 Types of Leadership Strategies That Distinguish Outstanding Entrepreneurs

Be familiar with all varieties as you may need to adapt your management style to better deal with unexpected situations.

Business News

Salespeople Are Shifting Away From Traditional Sales Models to This Strategy

As consumers become savvier and increasingly overwhelmed with sales and marketing messages, they've begun to tune out. Here is how to reel them back in.

Growing a Business

To Expand Sales in 2015 Consider Offering More to the Clients Who Already Trust You

The fastest way for many businesses to grow revenue is to sell new, related services to existing clients.

Business News

Here's How to Tell a Buyer He's Wrong -- Without Losing the Business

'The customer is always right' no longer holds true.

Growing a Business

Utilize Technology to Build Intimate Customer Communities

The latest developments allow businesses to cut out the middlemen and establish a direct line to the people that matter most.

Business News

3 Secrets to Making Your Online Customer Support a Success

Online customer service should make processes easier, not harder. Here's how your company can streamline its online customer-service approach,

Business News

How We Use Twitter to Build Products People Love

This simple change can help you feel closer to your customers and create better solutions to their problems.


Find the Courage and Ask Some Clients How Your Company Can Improve

To get a clear picture of what you're doing well and what you can do better, skip the big data and high-rent consultants. Your customers will tell you, if you just ask.

Growing a Business

What to Do When You Lose a Client

Losing a client is a disappointment. But it can also be a growth opportunity if you truly listen, learn, and embrace the new possibilities that present themselves.

Growing a Business

6 Qualities Smart Businesses Strive to Embody

These days, it's not enough to have a product or service people like and treat your customers well.

Starting a Business

Earn Customer Trust and the Rest Will Follow

For entrepreneurs to succeed, customers need to trust in the brand. Here are three tips on building trust from the get-go.