Facebook: Page 9

Business News

Can Meta (NASDAQ: FB) Rise From The Ashes?

Meta (NASDAQ: FB), previously known as Facebook, has had a horrible start to February.

Business News

One of Meta's Most Controversial Board Members Is Leaving, Potentially to Support Trump-Aligned Political Candidates

Some of his contrarian ideas include encouraging young people to opt out of college and arguing that entrepreneurs should strive for monopolies in his 'New York Times' bestseller 'Zero to One.'


Uno de los miembros de la junta directiva más polémicos de Meta se va, posiblemente para apoyar a candidatos políticos alineados con Trump

Algunas de sus ideas contrarias incluyen animar a los jóvenes a optar por no ir a la universidad y argumentar que los empresarios deberían luchar por los monopolios en su éxito de ventas del 'New York Times' 'Zero to One'.


¿Qué hay detrás de la caída histórica de la cuota de mercado de Facebook? Una serie de cosas.

El jueves, Facebook experimentó la mayor caída de valor de mercado en un día para una empresa estadounidense.

Business News

What's Behind Facebook's Historic Market Share Drop? A Number of Things.

On Thursday, Facebook experienced the biggest one-day market value drop for a U.S. company.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

What You Need To Know About How the Metaverse Will Affect Business

The metaverse is coming. Here's how you can prepare your business to thrive throughout the change.


Lo que necesita saber sobre cómo afectará el metaverso a los negocios

El metaverso está llegando. Así es como puede preparar su negocio para prosperar durante el cambio.


The Fashion Virtuoso

Try and have a conversation with your audience and try that people know your personality through your content whether it is on your stories or you are talking to your audience or you are replying to them in your comments or maybe taking requests if someone asks you to style an item a certain way and you do that: Aashna Shroff

Social Media

Big Tech Uses Data to the Detriment of Consumer Health, But We're Addicted. So What's the Solution?

These companies use our data to play upon some of our worst insecurities and dopamine receptors, creating a web-browsing experience that has even been compared to gambling.


Big Tech utiliza datos en detrimento de la salud del consumidor, pero somos adictos. Entonces, ¿cuál es la solución?

Estas empresas utilizan nuestros datos para jugar con algunas de nuestras peores inseguridades y receptores de dopamina, creando una experiencia de navegación web que incluso se ha comparado con los juegos de azar.

Science & Technology

Everything You Need to Know About Facebook's New Metaverse

The platform could secure Facebook's future among younger users and hedge against a recent storm of controversy, but will the metaverse find success?


Todo lo que necesita saber sobre el nuevo metaverso de Facebook

La plataforma podría asegurar el futuro de Facebook entre los usuarios más jóvenes y protegerse contra una reciente tormenta de controversia, pero ¿encontrará el metaverso el éxito?

Business News

Instagram Rolls Out New 'Rage Shake' Feature and the Option to Delete an Image From a Carousel

In a video update posted on Twitter, Instagram head Adam Mosseri explains how the new features work.

Business News

Prince Harry Says He Warned Twitter CEO About the Possibility of a Coup the Day Before Capitol Riot

The Duke of Sussex called the rampant spread of misinformation 'terrifying.'


რატომ თიშავს Facebook სახის ამოცნობის სისტემას?

ეს პროცესი მომდევნო კვირების განმავლობაში, ეტაპობრივად განხორციელდება